“Dear Elizabeth - If you live with an important artist you also live with a terrible man…”
VIKTOR wrote many letters to Elizabeth/Ina before she moved to Amsterdam. Some of the envelopes were shown at a special exhibition at the Post Museum in 1998. Ina wrote the following on that occasion:
“Personally, I stumbled into VIKTOR’s halo at a troubled period in my life. So he became my string to life. His letters became my elixir of life. And I was lucky I was able to respond, so the contact became valuable for him too. These colorful collage envelopes always contained small crazy messages - besides straws and rusty safety pins, etc.
Through the many letters, I joined Viktor in spirit - and later in reality too. In “Storm and Still”, I took part in his joyful adventure. Many turbulent crazy wonderful years followed close by his side on the ship in Amsterdam. He confronted me with healthy demands: To my hands, mind and feeling. So he colored my whole life with his happy brushstrokes. And when he died, he left me a treasure trove of good memories that neither time nor rust nor water nor fire can destroy.” Ina Elisabeth Munck